This June has been a month of significant milestones for SAFEWAVE with AZTI and the CTN – Marine Technology Centre presenting the latest research at prestigious international conferences. AZTI at ISOBAY 18 AZTI showcased the project at the XVIIIth International Symposium on Oceanography of the Bay of Biscay (ISOBAY 18) held in La Rochelle, France,
New project extension!
We are pleased to announce that the SAFEWAVE project has been extended until December 2024. This extension allows us to continue addressing the non-technological barriers that could hinder the future development of ocean energy, a key pillar of the EU Blue Growth strategy. Stay tuned for more developments in this area.
MARENDATA: The Comprehensive Marine Renewable Energy Data Platform Gets an Upgrade
Press Release, 23 April 2024 The European funded SAFEWAVE project – Streamlining the Assessment of environmental effects of Wave Energy – has updated the MARENDATA, a data platform designed to provide instant access to marine renewable energy industry-specific information related to resource and impact assessment. MARENDATA integrates data sets from various sites, providing scientifically robust
Identifying suitable areas for developing wave energy projects
📢The SAFEWAVE project’s deliverable on “Identifying suitable areas for developing wave energy projects in the European Atlantic region” is now available on our website. The main objective of the present deliverable is the identification and characterization of suitable areas for the development of wave energy projects in the context of Maritime Spatial Planning in the
Event in Portugal: 11as Jornadas de Engenharia Costeira e Portuária
11as Jornadas de Engenharia Costeira e Portuária 3/4 October 2023, Leixões, Portugal SafeWave Partner Hidromod, João Ribeiro, participates on the 4th of October at the event 11as Jornadas de Engenharia Costeira e Portuária, in Leixões, Portugal with the work “Wave Energy Converter Array’s Impact on Coastal Processes at Aguçadoura, Portugal”. For more about this work
SAFEWAVE will host a side event during the 15th European Wave and Tidal Energy Conference EWTEC23 conference in Bilbao. The event will take place on the 6th of September from 16:00 to 17:30, to provide updates on the project’s progress. You can also find us at the conference’s exhibition area. Please come and visit us!
Inspection of the Simrad WBAT
An inspection of the condition of the Simrad WBAT – Wideband Autonomous Transceiver was carried out on 1 June. We will shortly be retrieving the WBAT and look forward to working with the results!! The Simrad WBAT – Wideband Autonomous Transceiver was installed on May 2 in the HarshLab laboratory of TECNALIA Research & Innovation, located
WBAT for fish monitoring installed in HarshLab – BiMEP
On May 2, the installation of a Simrad WBAT – Wideband Autonomous Transceiver in the HarshLab laboratory of TECNALIA Research & Innovation, located in the BiMEP Biscay Marine Energy Platform, was successfully carried out by a team of AZTI in collaboration with the Materials for Extreme Conditions group of Tecnalia. The Simrad WBAT is a programmable, fully integrated

Creating card game on wave energy
Students from Biotropical IMS Master from CSIC, Universidad Internacional Menéndez Pelavo, have tested the prototype and participated in the co-creation of a card game on wave energy, which AZTI is developing in the context of the SAFEWAVE Project. Thanks to Biotropical IMS for the great contributions!
Underwater Noise Management Summit, Cartagena
Thank you to the Marine Technology Centre CTN for the opportunity to talk about the SafeWave project at the I Underwater Noise Management Summit. Last Tuesday, Juan Bald, Head of Marine and Coastal Environmental Management Unit in AZTI and coordinator of the SafeWave project, was invited to present the challenges and lessons learned from the project at the first Summit