We are thrilled to announce that the SAFEWAVE project has been extended until June 2024. This extension will allow us to further advance our mission of harnessing the vast marine renewable energy resources of the Atlantic seaboard. Stay tuned for more developments in this area.

Tailored Ocean Literacy Programmes

📢The SAFEWAVE project’s deliverable on “Tailored Ocean Literacy Programmes Focusing on Wave Energy” is now available on our website. The main objective of the present deliverable is to organise an approach for creating education and public engagement (EPE) programmes that are tailored to the specific circumstances in each of the communities of the project’s four

Identifying suitable areas for developing wave energy projects

📢The SAFEWAVE project’s deliverable on “Identifying suitable areas for developing wave energy projects in the European Atlantic region” is now available on our website. The main objective of the present deliverable is the identification and characterization of suitable areas for the development of wave energy projects in the context of Maritime Spatial Planning in the

Event in Portugal: 11as Jornadas de Engenharia Costeira e Portuária

11as Jornadas de Engenharia Costeira e Portuária 3/4 October 2023, Leixões, Portugal SafeWave Partner Hidromod, JoĂŁo Ribeiro, participates on the 4th of October at the event 11as Jornadas de Engenharia Costeira e Portuária, in Leixões, Portugal with the work “Wave Energy Converter Array’s Impact on Coastal Processes at Aguçadoura, Portugal”. For more about this work


SAFEWAVE will host a side event during the 15th European Wave and Tidal Energy Conference EWTEC23 conference in Bilbao. The event will take place on the 6th of September from 16:00 to 17:30, to provide updates on the project’s progress. You can also find us at the conference’s exhibition area. Please come and visit us!

Inspection of the Simrad WBAT

An inspection of the condition of the Simrad WBAT – Wideband Autonomous Transceiver was carried out on 1 June. We will shortly be retrieving the WBAT and look forward to working with the results!! The Simrad WBAT – Wideband Autonomous Transceiver was installed on May 2 in the HarshLab laboratory of TECNALIA Research & Innovation, located

Seafloor integrity monitoring at BiMEP

Continuing with the seafloor integrity monitoring, on the 2 and 3 of August, a Side Scan Sonnar inspection of the mooring lines and moorings of the Penguin device of #WELLO OY in BiMEP  was carried out by AZTI and RTSYS - Underwater Acoustics & Drones with the AUV COMET of RTsys. This inspection is part of the monitoring campaigns scheduled in the SAFEWAVE