On the 26th of April 2022, AZTI’s sampling team successfully carried out the recovery of three SoundTrap ST300 HF hydrophones (manufactured by Ocean InstrumentsNZ)! The hydrophones have been acquiring underwater noise data since 16 March, i.e. 42 days of recording. The sampling rate was set to 10 minutes every hour, with a sampling rate of
ITSASDRONE first trials
During summer 2021 the first trials of the Autonomous Superficial Vehicle (ASV) ITSASDRONE developed by AZTI were done. ITSASDRONE is an autonomous sea surface drone for long term missions on the sea surface (3 months or more), capable of carrying out different tasks operating autonomously, by means of an automated remote control with radio or satellite

Hydrophone Recovery in BiMEP
On 24 January 2022, AZTI technicians recovered the three hydrophones that were deployed on 11 November 2021 around WelloOY’s Penguin wave energy device in BiMEP. During all these months, they have been acquiring acoustic information that will allow us to investigate the potential acoustic impacts of this type of technologies in the framework of the
Interesting developments are taken place in the SafeWAVE project!
On the 4th and 5th of May RTSYS and ECN carried out a 2-days campaign at the CentraleNantes offshore test site SEM-REV. We managed to combine two surveys: Seabed integrity monitoring with Side Scan Sonar, and Electromagnetic field monitoring. Both were carried out with the same AUV from RTSYS (COMET-300). The objective is now to

Underwater acoustic monitoring in BiMEP
The monitoring campaigns of the SafeWAVE project around wave energy devices operating in real conditions have started this summer. In this video you can see the deployment of a hydrophone prior to the installation on Penguin II device of Wello in BiMEP. During one month this hydrophone will acquire underwater acoustic data during the pre-operational
SafeWAVE on Radio y Televisión Española
SafeWAVE coordinator Juan Bald, from AZTI, presented the project’s activities on the radio program, Españoles en la Mar, a production of the Spanish National Radio and Television (RTVE), on the 18th of March. If you don’t understand Spanish you can always check our website and contact us for more information. Radio station: https://www.rtve.es/alacarta/audios/espanoles-en-la-mar/
SafeWAVE presented on radio BAIPASA
The coordinator of the project, AZTI, participated on the 24th of February on the radio program BAIPASA, the regional radio of the Basque Country. Click here to hear the interview or use the player below.
SafeWAVE project launch
Addressing environmental concerns of emerging wave energy technologies.
SafeWAVE at University of Navarra
Juan Bald spoke at University of Navarra about Environmental challenges of Marine Renewables.
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