Continuing with the seafloor integrity monitoring, on the 2 and 3 of August, a Side Scan Sonnar inspection of the mooring lines and moorings of the Penguin device of #WELLO OY in BiMEP was carried out by AZTI and RTSYS – Underwater Acoustics & Drones with the AUV COMET of RTsys. This inspection is part of the monitoring campaigns scheduled in the SAFEWAVE project. In this particular case, the aim of this inspection is to assess the potential impact of these structures on the seabed. The installation of wave devices alters benthic (bottom) habitats by the addition of gravity foundations, piles, or anchors, as well as the sweep of mooring lines, cables, and mechanical moving parts. During the operation stage, dragging or rubbing of materials such as chains, wires, ropes or cables across the seabed could be expected. With this inspection we expect to evaluate the footprint that these structures can generate on the seabed. Here is a video summary of the campaign